
"Love God- Love yourself- Love life- Love others- Live your life." (@LoveQuotes)

"My dentist once told me that letting go is like pulling a tooth. When it was pulled out, you're relieved, but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it was not hurting anymore doesn't mean you didn't notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It's going to take a while, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go." (tweeted by @IkaNatassa)

"Talk all you want about me. I'll keep doing the things you dont even have the guts to dream about." (@pandji)

“The most dangerous distance in the world is 18 inches. The distance between your head and your heart.” (@IslamicThinking)

"What are words anyway? They're just our way to describe what we see. What really matters is what we see itu, kan?" -Antologi Rasa, page 172.

"The mind is everything. What you think you become" -Buddha

"The only reason people hold onto memories so tight is because memories are the only things that dont change, even when everybody else does." (@juliaperrez)

"Without sad moments in life you wouldn't know what the happy moments are." (@winatalia)

"When you messed up, fix it. If you think you've tried, then try harder.." (@theaastrella)

"One day, preferably soon, we should learn to forgive ourselves for the things we did and the things we should have done." (@IkaNatassa)

"Some memories are best forgotten." -Memento (2000)

"What’s worse; not getting everything you wished for or getting it but finding out its not enough?" -One Tree Hill (TV)

"Sometimes, the best we can do is just apologize and let the past be the past." -Kristen Bell

"For men who think... "A women's place is in the kitchen", just remember, that's where the knives are kept!" (@TheLoveStories)

"Kita tidak selalu benar karena kita bukan Tuhan." (@anjiii_)

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