Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Stop Abusive Relationship!

Posted by Miss A at 6:34 PM
Sudah beberapa hari ini agak mangkel liat timeline twitter saya sendiri. Beberapa kali sempat melihat perempuan2 yang nge-tweet tentang kasus pemukulan artis EG kepada mantan pacarnya, AR. Bukan maksud mau membela atau menyudutkan si artis ya, karena saya ngga tahu masalah sebenarnya. Tapi kok ya gemes gitu ngebaca tweet2 mereka yang terkesan membela si EG. Tweet2 mereka malah terbaca seolah adalah wajar jika seorang lelaki memukul kekasihnya. Ini salah satu contohnya :(

Aduduh. Jadi kalo cewenya salah atau bukan cewe baik2, maka wajar saja si cowo melakukan pemukulan? Ini yang ngetweet keknya ngga pernah ngerasain dipukul deh. Ngga cuma di badan sakitnya, tapi juga di hati!
Alhasil saking gemesnya, maka saya pun ngetweet. Masih pagi dan sudah ngetweet dengan bawel. Maafkan aku ya, followersku :(

Jadi yah begitulah. Semoga para wanita kedepannya bisa lebih menghargai dirinya sendiri, menghargai kaumnya. Kalo mengalami kekerasan dalam rumah tangga ataupun dalam pacaran, let go. Kalo perlu, simpan bukti, visum, dan laporkan. Once upon a time, saya pernah dapet message di inbox facebook saya, tentang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Ngebacanya, rasa hati kek dilukai dan dikasi cuka. Perih! Ngga pengen dong kejadian hal yang sama terjadi sama kamu, atau orang2 yang kamu kenal? Please respect yourself, girls! Kalo nyontek kata iklan sih : karena kita, begitu berharga ;p

Here's a beautiful yet sad poem about domestic violent.
I hope this will touch your heart as it touched mine..
I got flowers today!
It wasn't my birthday or any other special day.
We had our first argument last night;
And he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt;
I know that he is sorry and didn’t mean to say the things he said;
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today.
It wasn't our anniversary or any other special day.
Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me.
It seemed like a nightmare.
I couldn't believe that it was real.
I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over.
I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today!
It wasn’t our anniversary or any other special day;
Last night he threw me into a wall and then started choking me;
It seemed unreal, a nightmare, but you wake up from nightmares;
And I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over—but I know he is sorry;
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today!
And it wasn’t Valentines Day or any other special day;
Last night he beat me and threatened to kill me;
Make-up and long sleeves didn’t hide the cuts and bruises this time;
I couldn’t go to work today because I didn’t want anyone to know—but I know he’s sorry;
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today!
And it wasn’t Mother’s Day or any other special day;
Last night he beat me again, and it was worse than all of the other times;
If I leave him, what will I do? How will I take care of the kids? What about money?
I’m afraid of him, but I’m too scared and dependent to leave him! But he must be sorry;
Because he sent me flowers today.
I got flowers today….
Today was a special day—it was the day of my funeral.
Last night he killed me; If only I would have gathered the courage and strength to leave him;
I could have received help from the Women’s Shelter, but I didn’t ask for their help.
So I got flowers today—for the last time.
-Paulette Kelly, 1992


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